Ivan and the Moscow Circus

Ivan And the Moscow Circus cover

“Ivan and his sister Katya are going to the great Moscow circus to see their new friend Volodia perform the amazing triple somersault on this trapeze. But in spite of the fun they can’t forget that Volodia’s uncle, a great Russian poet, has been imprisoned for critcizing the Communist government.”

“Katya and Ivan long to help. But what can a teenage boy and a ten-year-old girl do against the powerful Secret Police? Read how a key, a car, a foreign journalist and a clown suit help Ivan in one of his greatest adventures.” 

Title: Ivan and the Moscow Circus (Ivan series)

Author: Myrna Grant

Genre(s): Christian Historical Fictioin

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (four stars)

Romance Content: N/A

Recommended age range: 8+, with parent explanation


I have read about Communism, so I was interested when I saw this fiction book about Christians in the Soviet Union. It was certainly very interesting! It talked about how Christians were persecuted, and I also enjoyed learning about the way of life in Russia during that time. It was good to read about how Christians did witness some.

However, there were some things that I didn’t think were realistic. For one, it talks about how Christians didn’t go to the circus, but then somehow Ivan and Katya’s parents give permission for their children to go, and later go themselves! While the circus back then may have been more appropriate than those today, I wouldn’t want to go to either. At the beginning of the circus, there is a song about how good the Soviet Union was, and the children enjoyed it… and I doubt if they really would have!

Also, the children do go behind their parents’ backs in a couple situations. While there are times where they consult their parents, there are a few instances where they do dangerous things or things they shouldn’t have done without asking their parents. I didn’t appreciate that part of the book.

All together, I did enjoy this book and I would recommend it to children and young people. (Several of my siblings have read it as well!) However, I think some parental discussion would be helpful during or after reading the book. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series!

Also, I am no longer a part of Nanowrimo as they have been promoting causes/lifestyles that I do not agree with. However, I have joined a great Christian writer’s group!!

If you are interested in joining, comment below or contact me through my contact page and I’ll get you the information! 🙂

17 thoughts on “Ivan and the Moscow Circus

  1. Chloe (aka Crystal) says:

    I’d be interested in your writing camp! Also, I didn’t know that there was some stuff going on with Nanowrimo (since I don’t really go on there).I just checked it out and I’m very disappointed in them. Everything has been wacko lately and I’m really disappointed in some of my “Christian” friends I follow on social media. I haven’t decided if I’m going to leave Nano or not (mainly because I’m only online a few times a year, if at all.) Thank you for letting me know about this! ❤

    • Leona says:

      For some reason your comment went to spam and I only noticed it just now! I’m sorry!
      Yes, it’s too bad that so many sites/people are going the wrong direction. 😦
      You’re welcome! If I haven’t already forwarded the introduction email to you, I will. ❤

  2. Kaitlyn S. says:

    Hey! I keep seeing this writing camp around the internet — do you mind emailing me more info on it? I was actually planning to join in NaNo this year for the first time, but it’s not something I can do in good conscious after everything that’s gone on =)

  3. Rosy Marr says:

    I LOVE this series! 😀 I love reading books about Christians in the communist Russian time period. These ones are some of my favorites! I do get the ways that you said were unrealistic about it. 😆 Have you read any of the other books yet?🙃

  4. Lilly W. says:

    What’s “The King’s Daughters’ Writing Camp”? Sounds interesting to me (I’ve been wanting to get out of NaNo too, for the same reasons). Please tell me more!

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